• Les armes d’Achille 
  • les armes d’Achille 
  • les armes d’Achille 
  • les armes d’Achille 
  • les armes d’Achille  dos
  • les armes d’Achille 
  • les armes d’Achille 
  • les armes d’Achille 
  • les armes d’Achille 
  • les armes d’Achille 
  • les armes d’Achille 

Helen and Achilles by MATHURIN MOREAU

Moreau Mathurin

Important bronze group of nice patina representing the defeat of Troyes, from the Greek mythology.
In the foreground, we can see Achilles delivered from his arms: his armour and shield at his feet, his helmet on his hand, and intertwining Helen, partially nude. In her right hand, the Queen Helen brandishes the sword symbol of victory.
Mathurin’s work realized after his visit at the Rome Academy, inspired by the Greco- roman antics legends.
Work of the second part of the 19th Century. Circa 1890
Fount from the artist’s workshops. Round terrace.

Signed Math.Moreau.


Dimensions work

Height: 1,30m – Diameter: 58 cm


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