• Femme au panier de pampres
  • Femme au panier de pampres
  • Femme au panier de pampres
  • Femme au panier de pampres
  • Femme au panier de pampres
  • Femme au panier de pampres dos
  • Femme au panier de pampres signature

Woman with basket of vine branches by Léon Rivoire

Rivoire Raymond Léon

Beautiful bronze sculpture with a plum coloured patina, representing a young naked woman standing on a base scattered with grapes and vine leaves, she holds at arm’s length a basket filled with vines.

French work from the early XX century around 1920-1930.

Signed on the base: R. Rivoire.
Raymond Léon Rivoire 1884-1966.
Founder’s stamp Colin.
This sculpture has a label underneath: 1937 Toronto Exhibition and French customs stamp.


Dimensions work

Height: 67 cm – Diameter: 26 cm


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