Durand Gervais
Durand established the Maison Durand firm in 1870, producing top quality 18th century style furniture. The business triumphed when the firm participated in the 1889 Paris Exposition Universelle, obtaining a silver medal and commended as ‘un ébéniste aussi habile que modeste, qui expose pour la première fois des meubles de premier ordre, don’t il est à la fois le dessinateur et l’executant; il marche sur la voie tracée par les maitres tels que Beurdeley et Dasson.
According to the report of A. Picard, M. Durand, skillful and modest cabinetmaker, exhibited for the first-time top range furniture that he designed and produced. In 1890, when Durand’s son Frédéric-Louis joined the firm, the name was changed to Durand & Fils. The firm was located at 12 Rue de la Cerisaie, Paris, but subsequently moved in 1900 to 62, Rue Saint-Antoine, the old hotel de Sully. The business later took on the name DURAND & SON.
He nearly exclusively produced copies of 18th century furniture.